ESG Sustainability Certification

We are glad and proud to announce that Technical Scientific Committee held by ALA Srl has successfully completed all the analysis to positively award to Schiavetti Lamiere forate S.p.A. relevant ESG certification rating.

This is an important milestone in the sustainability process.

NF certification issued by French CSTB

Founded in 1947 by the French Government, the centre’s aim is to elaborate, manage and issue technical, quality and security regulations, which nationally norm the construction of buildings and prefabricated.
Profilati Leggeri Schiavetti obtained NF certification according to norm NF 081 issued by AFNOR, French standardization body.
This certification has to be renewed every year. Inspectors of CSTB visit the company and get some samples of materials for testing them in their labs.
Some prescriptions of norm NF are very strict and more rigid than over equivalent current European regulations. This certification guarantees the high quality of the material used by Profilati Leggeri Schiavetti and allows us to sell on the French market of plasterboard.

Click here to download certification

ISO 9001:2015 Certification issued by Bureau Veritas

ISO 9001 is a standard regulation adressed to any company interested in submitting its production processus to a quality methodical check starting from the definition of the requirements until the control of any step of the production process.
Customer satisfaction is the aim of ISO 9001; each activity, application and control of the productive steps and processes is thought to reach the satisfaction of the final user.

Click here to download certification

ISO Certification 45001:2018 issued by Bureau Veritas

It identifies a standard for a system of security and health care management of the workers.
ISO 45001 certification testifies the voluntary application, in a company or organisation, of a system which grants a proper control in terms of security and health care of the workers.

Click here to download certification

Profilati Leggeri Schiavetti's products have the CE mark

Many products are subject to directives and some, such as construction products, must be provided by law of the CE mark.
The CE mark on a product indicates that the minimum standards of quality, health and safety have been met.